Wednesday, July 30, 2014

First day of School Activity

First ten minutes of the first day of school can seem awkward! I want students to have something to do while we wait for everyone to put their gear away and get settled. This simple activity has worked well for me.
 Use a large piece of heavy paper. Draw apple shape (This is the best I can do:)
Create interesting puzzle pieces. Make a few more pieces than students for those that join your class later in the year. 
 Write students' names and snap a quick picture so when you need to reassemble it is easier!
 First day of school, I put everyone's puzzle piece on their desk and they color them in. They can put things they like, special designs, you name it.
Throughout the day I have students work on putting the puzzle together. I don't tell them what it is and it usually takes awhile. This time gives students a chance to work together and I assess who my leaders are, who might need help with social skills, etc... 

At the end I create a bulletin board right outside our classroom door by stapling the completed apple with the heading: Room 147 "Working Together - A Perfect Fit"


Other activities for your students during the year


Barbara L said...

I love this idea. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Terrific idea!!! Will definitely use it :)
Thank you

Unknown said...

Terrific idea!!! Will definitely use it :)
Thank you

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